Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Clickers vs. Brickers

Here's an interesting book-related blog post I saw on Twitter today [via @chrisbrogan]: It relates to an unscientific poll conducted by J. C. Hutchins and posted to his site "The Official Webspace of Thriller Novelist J.C. Hutchins." The author conducted a poll on Twitter today (8.25.09) asking the following question: "When you buy books, are you mostly a "clicker" (meaning shop on-line) or a "bricker" (meaning shop in a brick and mortar store)?" Check this out: Clickers vs. Brickers [Posted using ShareThis].

My answer: I'm a "bricker". I love local bookstores!! Browsing is my favorite way to buy books; however, if I hear about a specific title/author, and I decide I need/want that specific book late at night or early some morning, I have been known to take the convenient route and purchase books on-line.

So, how about you? Are you a "clicker" or a "bricker" when it comes to buying books?


  1. I'm both! Love browsing bookstores. Adore book covers. I don't know what it is about the covers but I love them! After I read a review or if I'm familiar with the author then I'm a clicker. And now with my Kindle, I'm definitely a clicker...so easy to get a 30 page sample to decided if I want to read the whole thing. But, I do miss those covers. Sigh.

  2. Thanks for your comments .. I still don't have a kindle - maybe because I, too, like the covers (or the feel of the books) :) It was interesting - at one of the author talks, at a local bookstore, two of the young authors were discussing how much input Barnes & Noble had with their book cover art ... they showed all the different covers they considered & said Barnes & Noble made the final decision! Apparently book covers influence book sales & book stores seem to be pretty good at picking the winners :)

  3. That is so interesting about B & N and their influence. Who knew? I know the covers lure me! Ha!

  4. I am somewhere in between. I will browse online and then go into the store to get it in my hands as soon as possible!
